Saturday 9 February 2019

The Decaying of Teeth #ForeverYoung

Let's talk about teeth and a person's smile. One thing that happens as we age is that our teeth start to deteriorate; this is especially true of women who have given birth. Pregnancy takes a toll on our teeth, because those little growing fetuses sap a pregnant mommy's nutrients, vitamins and minerals while growing inside her.

Another thing that is common but causes problems for our teeth is grinding of teeth. I grind my teeth in my sleep and, because of this, I have weakened, and in some cases broken, my molars. A mouth guard to wear to bed can prevent the damage caused by teeth grinding, but I have not been able to afford one yet, despite the fact that they are not overly expensive in relation to the cost of most dental procedures.

Our teeth are important because they are what makes up our smile. Our smile is what can make people feel comfortable around us, and if your smile becomes blackened and with gaps, it can damage the overall look you have achieved, not just making you look older but making you appear much less than attractive.

We also need our teeth for chewing our food. And tooth loss can result, eventually, in bone loss in the jaw area. According to the Facial & Oral Surgery Institute (in Los Angeles):

"Typically, healthy teeth transfer the forces of mastication (chewing) from the teeth and gums into the jaws via their roots. This stimulates the jaw bones letting your body know that it needs to maintain jaw strength to accommodate chewing, biting, and eating. When a tooth is missing, the stimulating forces are no longer transferred to the bone beneath the missing tooth. As a result, the bone begins to deteriorate and atrophy until there is only a minimal amount of bone remaining. This process is called resorption."

So, it is really important to look after your teeth, not just to prevent some of the signs of ageing but for practical purposes too.

I've been considering dental implants for my two missing molars. The cost of the procedure is the only thing that has kept me from having it done already. I'd also like veneers for a whiter smile.

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